Welcome to the new site!
I previously had hosted my blog on a self-hosted WordPress instance for sometime. While it served me well, it didn’t make sense anymore as I was not using much of the provided functionality (comments, plugins, etc.). Basically, I didn’t need the overhead of what was essentially a Content Management System (CMS). The mental burden of having to maintain this, along with the customizations I did for the WordPress them long ago, and have since forgotten, led me to search for an alternative.
I’ve decided to make a clean break with my old site. This new site is a result of that. It’s a simple static site, generated offline by Hugo, and I believe it will be far easier to maintain, since I won’t have to worry about PHP version, nor other upgrades of online software.
My goal for this site is to provide an outlet for me to write; not only to commit my thoughts to record but to also improve my ability to convey those thoughts effectively. Like any skill, writing is one that requires cultivation and time in order to improve, and I hope that by making the process simpler, and removing as much technical overhead as possible, I’ll be more willing to do so in the future.